The exact price of Invisalign braces, like any other dental procedure, depends on your Invisalign Dubai condition. And just like any cutting-edge technology, results will vary with the expertise of the practitioner.
The parent site for Invisalign offers a handy calculator to determine the price of the treatment. The calculator uses the national average of all Invisalign variants in addition to your employer ‘s flexible spending account , down payment, any insurance you have, and the interest rate on any loans you may have.
Dental procedure
The exact price of Invisalign braces, like any other dental procedure, depends on your individual condition. And just like any cutting-edge technology, results will vary with the expertise of the practitioner.
Dentists often use Invisalign Express, a more affordable solution for less complex orthodontic cases. Dentists refer complex cases to trained orthodontists. These specialists treat hundreds of cases a year and can often use Invisalign technology to straighten your teeth where a dentist might not think possible.
Align Technology
Align Technology makes Invisalign available to almost all dentists. In 2002, Invisalign was made available to general dentists, and in mid- 2003, leading dental schools began incorporating Invisalign into their curricula. In 2005, Align introduced Invisalign Express (now Invisalign Express 10), a more affordable solution for less complex orthodontic cases.
In 2010, Align introduced Invisalign G3, a series of revolutionary innovations designed to deliver even better clinical outcomes. Orthodontic dentists can now use these new tools to simplify the treatment of Class II and III patients with Invisalign , SmartForce ® capabilities for more predictable tooth movement, and new ClinCheck 3.0 software designed to accommodate revisions of ClinCheck ® – reduce treatment plans.
Orthodontic treatment
Remember that shopping for orthodontic treatment is a very personal matter. While many dentists use Invisalign, shopping for the cheapest orthodontic service may not get you the results or the level of discomfort you find tolerable. Most orthodontists are now performing so many Invisalign cases that their cost has dropped below that of traditional wire and bracket braces.
If you’re wondering how to get the best balance between price, speed and quality in orthodontic treatment, just follow these 3 simple steps:
- Talk to your dentist and get their recommendation
- Find a 3 or 4 top ranked orthodontic website on google and ask them how many cases the doctor handles per year
- Search the internet for this doctor’s name and see what others have to say
- Schedule a free orthodontic consultation with as many doctors as you need until you’re satisfied you’ve found one that’s a good fit
Are Invisalign Braces Better For Kids Or Adults?
The need for braces can be excruciating for children and adults alike, as the fear of a mouth full of metal often overcomes the desire for straight teeth. Invisalign offers an alternative to metal braces and offers a way to straighten teeth without the visibility and durability of metal braces, but are they better for adults or for children? Some features of Invisalign are more beneficial for one or the other.
Invisalign is virtually invisible
Invisalign has found a way to overcome one of the common complaints about metal braces: they attract attention because they are so noticeable. One of veneers teeth dubai Invisalign ‘s selling points is that it’s much less noticeable because Invisalign braces enclose the wearer’s teeth with a clear plastic piece that’s molded to conform perfectly to the shape of the teeth.
The fact that Invisalign is a clear plastic is an important factor for children and adults, but perhaps most important for teenagers, who are harshly taunted by their peers for their pictures. Adults may be conscious of their looks too, but most have passed through the crucial teenage stage and have already developed their own identity.
Invisalign is removable
Another selling point of Invisalign braces is that they can be removed while eating or brushing teeth, or any other time the wearer desires. Removing Invisalign while eating allows the wearer to eat prohibited foods while wearing metal braces, such as nuts and apples. Removing Invisalign while brushing your teeth offers a better chance for superior hygiene than traditional metal braces.
Plastic braces
Invisalign users must remember that removing the plastic braces for a significant period of time increases the time it takes to achieve straightened teeth. This can become a stumbling block for children and teens, who may undress before school so they don’t have to do so in front of their peers during lunchtime and spend a significant portion of the day away from them. Children may also be more likely to lose their Invisalign pieces, leading to replacement costs.
The removable aspect is most beneficial for adults, who are more likely to replace their Invisalign pieces soon after removal, making the piece less likely to misplace.
Children and adults
While Invisalign braces are beneficial for both children and adults, adults are more likely to benefit from wearing removable braces than children and teens. Parents of children interested in wearing Invisalign should weigh the pros and cons of Invisalign and metal braces before deciding on an approach to straightening their children’s teeth.