High blood pressure during pregnancy
High blood pressure, or high blood pressure, can occur at any time during pregnancy. In Pakistan, about 6-8% of women aged 20-44 years have hypertension in pregnancy.
Left untreated, this problem, also known as high blood pressure, can cause serious health complications for the pregnant woman, the baby, or both. But in most cases, high blood pressure is treatable and treatable.
Types of hypertension in pregnancy
Three types of Source of high blood pressure can occur during pregnancy:
Chronic hypertension
A person with chronic hypertension either had high blood pressure before pregnancy or arise it before week 20, in about the first half of pregnancy.
Gestational hypertension
This type of high blood pressure starts during pregnancy, normally in the second half, or after 20 weeks.
Preeclampsia involves high blood pressure that occurs during pregnancy or after birth. This can have serious consequences then you may need for best gynecologist in Lahore.
This condition usually develops after 20 weeks, often in the third trimester. If it happens before week 34, doctors call it early-onset toxemia of pregnancy. It may develop in the weeks following delivery, but is a rare reliable source.
Problems of high blood pressure in pregnant women
If high blood pressure is severe or uncontrolled, it can cause complications for the person and her baby during and after pregnancy. Particular complications depend on the type of high blood pressure.
Risks of hypertension for the baby
Risks of high blood pressure for a child, such as:
- Premature delivery
- Small birth size
- Death during childhood
According to a 2018 review, high blood pressure can increase the risk of these health conditions for both parent and child:
- Heart disease
- Chronic kidney disease
- Other metabolic disorders
- Stroke
People with high blood pressure have no symptoms, so a person can only detect it during a routine screening. Getting regular expectant checkups can help a person monitor their blood pressure and other vital signs and access treatment if necessary then you may need for gynecologist in Lahore.
Risk factors for high blood pressure
A person cannot change risk factors for high blood pressure, such as:
- Having a family story of high blood pressure
- Having a disease like kidney disease that increases the risk.
- Being an older adult, because blood vessels change over time
The best approach depends on the type of high blood pressure.
- Chronic high blood pressure: A doctor may recommend continuing blood pressure medication during pregnancy, or he may prescribe another medication.
- Gestational hypertension: A doctor may recommend self-care strategies for managing high blood pressure and will continue to monitor blood pressure and check for preeclampsia.
- Preeclampsia: The health care team will monitor the person’s condition and may recommend early delivery in some cases.
It’s not always possible to prevent high blood pressure during pregnancy, but some self-care strategies can help .These include:
- Exercising regularly
- A healthy diet high in whole grains, fruits and vegetables and low in salt.
- Quit smoking, if applicable, and avoid second-hand cigarettes.
- Limiting alcohol consumption for alcoholics
Get regular health checkups
- Taking steps to reduce stress
- Maintaining a moderate body weight
- Managing conditions such as diabetes