Have you ever had a pimple on your face? If so, you probably know how annoying and uncomfortable they can be. But did you know that pimples aren’t just limited to the face? Pimples can also appear on your neck, chest and back. And even worse than that—some people even get beard pimples! Yes, those little bumps under your nose aren’t just for people with beards anymore. If you have facial hair AND pimples on your skin then we’ve got some helpful tips for getting rid of them:
1. Wash Your Face Regularly
- Wash your face with a mild soap.
- Use warm water, not hot or cold.
- Use a soft towel to pat your skin dry after washing.
- Use a facial scrub once or twice a week to exfoliate dead skin cells and unclog pores.
- Wash your face twice daily with warm water, especially if you have oily skin or live in an area where pollution is prevalent (like me). This will keep you from getting acne breakouts on top of the beard pimples that are already there! Also remember to wash both the facial hair itself and underneath it—a lot of people forget about this part! You can use beard shampoos for this purpose if needed (and I recommend doing so. best mascara
2. Moisturize Your Facial Skin
Moisturizing is the second most important thing you can do to keep your facial skin healthy, smooth and pimple-free.
Moisturizing will help reduce the appearance of beard pimples by keeping your facial skin soft and hydrated. As facial hair grows in length and volume, it can become dry and brittle. This makes it more prone to breakage that leads to ingrown hairs or clogged pores, both which can cause pimples on your face around the beard area.
3. Keep the Beard Clean & Shaved
Keeping your beard clean and shaved is an important part of preventing ingrown hairs. This can be done in a number of different ways, but the most effective method is to use a high quality shaving oil or cream on your face prior to shaving. This will help your skin stay smooth, which helps prevent ingrown hairs from forming.
4. Avoid Trapping Dirt in the Beard
The fourth way to get rid of beard pimples is to avoid trapping dirt in the beard. Beard oil helps a great deal with this, as it helps keep your face clean and helps you wash it regularly. Wash your beard every day with a good quality beard shampoo and conditioner. If you have particularly dry skin, use a good quality beard oil or balm before you wash your hair to moisturize your skin and protect against irritation.
5. Avoid Popping Pimples
You should avoid the temptation to pop pimples, as it can cause scars and further damage to your skin. Here are a few other ways you can get rid of those pesky zits:
- Use a hot compress. A hot compress will shrink the size of your pores, at least temporarily, so that they don’t trap dirt and oil that lead to acne formation. To make one, soak a washcloth in very hot water (as hot as you can tolerate), wring out excess moisture from it and place over your face for 5 minutes. Repeat this process three times per day until you notice an improvement in your skin’s appearance or until it goes away completely.* Use pimple cream if necessary. If popping isn’t an option for you but still want something more effective than just layering moisturizer on top of the problem area (which may not even penetrate deep enough into pores) then consider using something like Proactiv Refining Mask ($40/tube) which contains benzoyl peroxide 2% along with salicylic acid 2% plus other antioxidants designed specifically around fighting off breakouts without drying out skin underneath.* Use facial steamer if possible! I’m almost positive everyone reading this has access some type device which emits steam into room air—whether it be through shower head attachment or potty seat cover (yes really). If so then use them once daily before bedtime while laying face down on bed sheet under towel wrapped around head;
6. Use Lemon Juice
If you’re looking for a product that can help dry and reduce the inflammation, lemon juice is one of your best bets. It may not be as effective as a topical medication, but it works wonders for reducing redness and fading pimples.
- First, wash your face with warm water to remove all dirt and oil from the skin.
- Next, squeeze out a little bit of lemon juice on top of your pimple. You can apply this directly or use a cotton swab to apply if it’s easier for you!
- Leave it there overnight or until bedtime so that the acidity in lemons will have time to work its magic on drying up pimples.
7. Use Aloe Vera Gel
You can also use aloe vera gel to treat a beard pimple. It’s a great ingredient for battling skin issues, but it may not be the best choice for you if you’re looking for an immediate fix. Aloe vera takes time to work its magic on your skin—but once it does, you’ll be left with healthier and softer hair follicles that are less likely to get infected again in the future.
To apply aloe vera gel:
- Gently massage a small amount of aloe vera into your beard with your fingertips until fully absorbed by your skin and hair follicles; avoid getting any on your face or neck because it has a tendency to burn sensitive areas like those!
With these tips, you can easily get rid of beard pimples and have a healthy, smooth skin.
- Wash your face regularly: Washing your beard regularly is one of the best ways to get rid of beard pimples. You can use a face wash or a mild soap that has no chemicals in it and gently wash your skin with lukewarm water.
- Moisturize facial skin: Moisturizing will help keep your skin soft, supple and healthy since dryness often leads to irritation, itchiness, and redness of facial skin which may lead to beard pimples as well as other issues like rashes etcetera.
- Keep the beard clean and shaved: Cleaning up unruly hairs from around mouth area will prevent them from getting trapped in dirt during eating or drinking leading to bacteria buildup under these areas which could result in developing acne on upper lip area due lack of proper hygiene measures being followed while eating food items such as ice creams or burgers etcetera where oily substances are applied directly onto mouth area causing acne breakouts due excess accumulation of dirt particles over time resulting harmful effects on health conditions such as diabetes 2nd type symptoms including high blood pressure levels which require immediate medical attention before progressing further into severity levels unless otherwise treated properly!
Beard pimples are a common problem for most men. However, you can easily get rid of them by following these simple tips. In this article, we have outlined the best ways to deal with beard pimples and maintain healthy skin.