Author: bipashagoswami

Bipasha Goswami works as a Product Manager for the sustainable lifestyle brand, Dzukou ( which aims to replace plastics from products with alternate eco-materials. Dzukou also works with rural craftsmen in East India to tinker and experiment with them. The aim is to innovate new eco-materials for products and also help these craftsmen to reach western markets. Bipasha has completed her post graduation in English literature from Gauhati University, Assam, India.

Dzukou, a Dutch sustainability-lifestyle brand was started by two co-founders, Lars and Prarthana, just before the Covid-19 pandemic started in 2020. Dzukou was just at its infant stage when operations almost had to be shut down. And what the co-founders did not expect was that the global outbreak would continue to disrupt business for two more years. Yet, Dzukou managed to stay afloat and thrive through the pandemic. When asked what worked for them, Prarthana smilingly answers, “Clever adaptation.” Prior to starting Dzukou, Prarthana has been a researcher in the field of Design. She did her Bachelor’s in Technology in…

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