Ants in the apartment? 7 home remedies that really help
They are small, annoying, and rarely come alone. Nobody really wants ants in their home. But once they’re there, it’s hard to get rid of the little creepy-crawlies. The SCS Group Integrated Services team has therefore made it its task to inform you about the possibilities and measures on our blog that you can take to drive ants out of your home. Therefore, we have summarized 7 home remedies for ants for you. I wish you success.
Fighting ants – this is the reason for an ant plague
Ants in the home are particularly annoying and difficult to get rid of. They crawl quickly and always find a way to track down small crumbs and scraps of food. This is also one of the reasons why ants may have invaded your home. Ants love crumbs and leftovers because they can use them as food for their offspring and as a building material for their ant nest. For example, the first tip for keeping ants away is cleaning the kitchen regularly.
Repel ants – coffee grounds can help
Coffee and coffee grounds give off an intense smell. Not only do we humans feel this way, but also the ants. Because they hate the smell, coffee grounds are one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of ants. Scatter this on your beds, for example, to drive away the small pests.
Ants in the kitchen- Ants don’t like that at all
Ants do not like strong smells. These impede their sense of direction, which is why they do not feel comfortable around strong-smelling food. As a measure to scare away ants, you can therefore lay out lavender, chili, or mint in the kitchen.
Ants in the apartment what to do?
If you have ants in your home, you can drive them away in two ways. You can either opt for the gentler method and try one of the home remedies mentioned, such as coffee grounds, or strong-smelling foods such as lemon. Or you create an ant bait, which, however, is accompanied by chemical power. It is also important to clean your home regularly. So think about a stairwell cleaning, which you can also have done by a professional cleaning company.
Vinegar against ants? – These home remedies drive away ants
Vinegar is another home remedy that you can use optimally against ants. Simply fill a little vinegar in a flat bowl so that the smell can be optimally distributed in the room. The ants are disturbed by the strong smell because they can no longer perceive their own scent trail. You can also place the vinegar near the source from which the ant trail comes. Most often this is a window or a small hole in the wall.
What helps against ants in the apartment? SCS Group Integrated Services’ home remedy tips.
Many things that we already have in our household help against ants. We have summarized the 7 most important home remedies against ants for you here :
- Vinegar
- lemon
- mint
- coffee grounds
- lavender
- chili
- Cinnamon.
All of these foods are considered a nuisance by ants, which discourages them from entering your home. It is best to place one of the home remedies directly by the window or next to the source from which the ants come. So the little crawlers will soon be looking for space. The good thing is that ants are not to be expected in the cooler seasons. But there are other problems like the winter service that keep you on your toes. SCS Group Integrated Services wishes you every success.